When it comes to health, what you put into your body is just as important as what you do to your body.
That's why we strive to ensure that our supplements contain the highest quality ingredients available and that they are all natural, safe and effective.
Your new health begins with the best supplements available.
Your new health begins here.
Juventix Medical offers practitioners a unique business oppurtunity within the regenerative medical industry through a low cost set-up and high margin approach to Platelet Rich Plasma application. This treatment is 100% autologous, which poses no significant risks or side effects to patients and can aid healing for a variety of medical conditions. Expand your patient base with PRP therapy by including the following: pain management, sports injury, cosmetic rejuvenation, hair restoration and sexual regeneration. Order today, and take your first step towards providing superior patient outcomes and generating enhanced revenues.
The Foundation for Wellness Professionals™ is an association of professional healthcare motivational and keynote speakers and was originally founded as "The Doctors Speakers Bureau" in 1985 in Clearwater, Florida.
This volunteer, not-for-profit association operates through independently-operated chapters across the United States and Canada. The Foundation for Wellness Professionals is incorporated as an official professional association with the State of Florida and 501(c)3 non-profit status.
Our purpose is to give injured federal workers access to good doctors who know how to help them and who know how to get their injury claims accepted. We ensure that all treatment is medically indicated, all rules and laws are followed, and all patients are treated with respect and dignity. Our federal workforce deserves the highest level of care and we are committed to delivering this to each and every patient we serve.
ChiroSecure offers liability insurance to Chiropractic practitioners at an affordable rate. We recognize the growing need for extensive malpractice insurance in this field, due to its complex nature and the potential risks associated with treating certain patients. We understand that even with the utmost care and attention, there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when treating special cases.
Inspired by the wonders of chiropractic, L.K. Graphic Communications was founded to help doctors educate potential patients on the value of their services. For over 20 years they have worked with thousands of doctors and top management groups (including David Singer Enterprises) to develop and provide professional, ethical marketing and educational materials. Their tools and solutions will not only help you acquire more new patients but also improve referrals and retention.
Wilson Print Marketing assists Chiropractors to find new patients with direct marketing program, including postcard, check mailers and other direct mailer. We also have programs to help you get more referrals to your practice. Practice brochures, even signs and banners everything you will need to boom your practice!
New Health Centers is a new patient marketing program for healthcare practices. Our fresh approach to marketing provides our members with the patients their practices need without any out-of-pocket marketing expenses.
Membership is limited in each city and you must qualify to participate in this program. Currently we have over 400 offices participating in our program!!!